Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe

The Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) was established in 1994  and it became an official association (under Dutch law) in 2004.
Pharmaceutical Care is the pharmacist's contribution to the care of individuals, in order to optimize medicines use and improve health outcomes.

Conferences Working groups

About Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe

The Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) was established in 1994 by a number of European pharmaceutical care researchers. It became an official association (under Dutch law) in 2004. According to the bylaws, the aim of PCNE is to help to develop pharmacy along the lines of pharmaceutical care in the involved European countries through:

  • stimulating pharmaceutical care and pharmacy related outcome research in Europe;
  • stimulating research and implementation projects carried out in more countries simultaneously;
  • organising a bi-annual working conference around pharmaceutical care and pharmacy practice research;
  • all other possible activities that serve the aim of the association.

Current board members of the PCNE (2024-2026):

  • Ivana Tadić (Chair, Serbia, Austria)
  • Marina Odalović (Secretary, Serbia)
  • Bjarke Abrahamsen (Denmark)
  • Susanne Kaae (Denmark)
  • Dorothee Michel (Germany)
  • Ina Richling (Germany)

If you want to know more about what PCNE does, have a look at past conferences, or at the list of theses of our members.

What is Pharmaceutical Care?

In 2013, the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe together with international experts, created a new (European) definition of pharmaceutical care, which reads as follows:

Pharmaceutical Care is the pharmacist’s contribution to the care of individuals in order to optimize medicines use and improve health outcomes.

In a position paper, the involved members have explained how this defintion is developped and why.
This position paper can be downloaded here >>

An article on the development of the definition has been publiched in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 
An almost litteral copy of this paper can be downloaded here >>

Theses on Pharmaceutical Care

Many members or students of our members have produced theses (mostly PhD) on the concept, implementation and effects of pharmaceutical care. A list of these theses can be found here. We welcome additions to this list.

PCNE Vision

For any organisation it is important to know where it is going. During a 2 year project, two members of the PCNE board (Charlotte Rossing, Denmark and Veerle Foulon, Belgium) developped the vision for 2025 for the PCNE. This Vision was accepted by the PCNE members in February 2018. After an initial brainstorm with some board- and founding members, they offered several options for the members to contribute to that vision. The final version of the Vision on the future of PCNE can be downloaded here in a short and long version. You can also download a document to see how this Vision was developped.

PCNE Vision 2025 short version

PCNE Vision 2025 long version

PCNE Vision 2025, development