Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe

The Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) was established in 1994  and it became an official association (under Dutch law) in 2004.
Pharmaceutical Care is the pharmacist's contribution to the care of individuals, in order to optimize medicines use and improve health outcomes.

Conferences Working groups

6th PCNE Working Symposium 2018, Fuengirola, Spain

Seamless Pharmaceutical Care - Supporting the Pharmacists' contribution to seamless transitions between care setttings

2-3 February 2018

This PCNE Working Symposium was in Andalusia, the south of Spain. It is here where Don Quixote, the Ingenious Knight of La Mancha, was supposed to be engendered by Cervantes’s experience in prison. From time to time we might have a similar feeling of ‘fighting the windmills’, but hopefully, the science and evidence based approaches will keep us sane. The Symposium in Fuengirola has enabled us to see reality more clearly and we developped a more fruitful narrative than the one of Don Quixote. 

The topic of the symposium was seamless pharmaceutical care, supporting the worldwide trend in healthcare reform towards an integrated, coordinated and streamlined approach.

Seamless care describes an optimal situation where there is continuity in healthcare provision, even in the presence of many transitions. Pharmacists typically refer to the transition of patients from hospital to the ambulatory setting or vice versa, i.e. linking different levels of care (primary, secondary and tertiary). Integration of care can also, however, be seen at the horizontal level, involving multiprofessional collaboration within a single setting. There was much to explore within the seamless care framework.


Mitja Kos (PCNE Chairman) and Nejc Horvat (PCNE Secretary)

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of pharmacy, Slovenia​



The final program can be downloaded here

Workshop reports are available under the tab 'Workshops'


The Oral communication award (made available by the Förderinitiative Pharmazeutische Betreuung) during this symposium was awarded to Lise-Marie Kinnaer from Leuven University, Belgium.

The shared poster award (made available by the Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos de España) was won by the Grupo de Investigación en Atención Farmacéutica. Cátedra María José Faus Dáder de Atención Farmacéutica (GIAF-CUGRAF), Universidad de Granada with their poster 'conSIGUE Impact and Implementation: experience, different phases, and results'. And by SEFAC, Madrid with the title: 'Determination of irregular pulse in Spanish community pharmacy, as screening for atrial fibrillation. Project Know your pulse.'.



Pharmaceutical care thrives best when it is provided as a remunerated service. In some European countries, this is already the case. Therefore, the day before the PCNE conference, SEFAC and PCNE organised a 2 hour symposium, with the title

Overcoming barriers when implementing new pharmacy services

The symposium aimed to provide participants with the background knowledge and tools that are needed to successfully plan the implementation of new services in community pharmacy.

The symposium started with an overview of successful cases of cognitive pharmaceutical services implementation in some countries. Then one selected service and country was chosen as an example to introduce some management and planning tools that participants used throughout the workshop. Subgroups were created for the practical part of the workshop.


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PCNE logo 2017

This conference was organised with support from SEFAC (Sociedad Española de Farmacia Familiar y Comunitaria) and other Spanish PCNE members:

  • Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos de España, Madrid
  • Pharmaceutical Care Foundation España, Barcelona
  • Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Farmacia, Research group Pharmaceutical Care, Granada
  • Universidad de Barcelona, Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy Unit, Barcelona


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 Bidafarma was a Golden Sponsor, and we thank that organisation for the generous contribution.