Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe

The Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) was established in 1994  and it became an official association (under Dutch law) in 2004.
Pharmaceutical Care is the pharmacist's contribution to the care of individuals, in order to optimize medicines use and improve health outcomes.

Conferences Working groups

7th PCNE Working Symposium 2020, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands

Right questions, valid answers

7-8 February 2020


This PCNE Working Symposium will again be held in Egmond aan Zee in the Netherlands. All participants of the last PCNE Working Conference in 2019 were very satisfied with the venue, and those who joined us there already know that the location is close to the sea. All others now get a second chance to be with us at this unique location. So please join us again and help us to further the research in pharmaceutical care and pharmacy practice in the Netherlands in 2020.

The title of the symposium is ‘Right questions, valid answers’.  As researchers we know that a ‘smart’ research question determines the quality of the research and helps to create valid answers. As healthcare providers we know that it takes the right questions to make patients tell us their real concerns. Different methods are needed to perform good research. With plenary lectures, pre-conference courses and workshops you will get the insights needed!

Educational day

As there is an increasing demand for international educational sessions in the field of pharmaceutical care and practice research, some expert pre-conference courses will be given on Thursday including a course on writing of scientific articles.

See the tab 'Expert Courses' for more information.

Vuurtoren denim

The Symposium

After this educational day, the Symposium starts with a couple of inspiring lectures, short communications and a poster session on Friday morning. Poster presentations and discussions will be held in a newly developed format, and there will be oral communications as well. On Friday, the four PCNE working groups will discuss research around their expertise during short (3 h) workshops. There is the opportunity to visit two different workshops as they are all repeated on Saturday morning, after which the PCNE members will gather for their General Assembly.

We look forward to meeting you all again in Egmond, discussing and answering a number of questions on pharmaceutical care, but certainly also spending quality time together. A ‘Dinner in the Dunes’ close to the conference venue, as a social event, will certainly contribute to this. During this dinner, our new PCNE honorary members will officially be honoured.

And if you arrive alfready on Thursday afternoon: The Bowling alley has been reserved for us between 17.30 and 18.30h.


Martina Teichert (PCNE Chairperson) and Jacqueline Hugtenburg (PCNE Secretary)


The conference courses and workshops are accredited for Dutch hospital and community pharmacists.


The PCNE wishes to thank following sponsors for their contributions to the Symposium.

KNMP logo 100 kleur rgb FI Logo2011 RGB Springer
Pfizer logo  ZonMW  

Lectures 7th February 9.00-10.30h

Right questions, valid answers. A qualitative approach


Dr. Susanne Kaae, Denmark

The lecture will first address the variety of aims of performing qualitative research and then, based on specific examples from the area of pharmaceutical care, discuss how the ambition of ‘Right questions, valid answers’ might be performed. Secondly, the lecture will discuss some of the difficulties conducting qualitative research when coming from a primarily natural science background such as pharmacy and address how some of these challenges could be overcome in order to make qualitative research of high quality.


Short CV Dr. Kaae

Suzanne is a trained pharmacist and has a PhD in Social Pharmacy. Today engaged in Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Policy being currently involved in projects aimed at improving patient communication in community pharmacies; investigating risk communication processes (direct to health care professionals communication); exploring appropriate use of antibiotics in South-East Europe as well as future implementation of 3D printed medicines in society. Methodological expertise is in qualitative methods mainly field observations and interviews.



Right questions, valid answers. A quantitative approach


Prof. Carmel Hughes, N. Ireland

This lecture will focus on the range of quantitative methods that have relevance to pharmaceutical care research.  Asking the ‘right question’ should lead to obtaining the ‘valid answer’ which in turn should provide the evidence that is needed to support the implementation of pharmaceutical care.  The lecture will also highlight the importance of looking beyond the ‘valid answer’ by understanding the factors that might have contributed to the ‘answer’, particularly if we don’t always get the ‘answer’ that we expect.


Short CV Prof. Hughes

Carmel is Professor of Primary Care Pharmacy and Head of the School of Pharmacy at Queen’s University Belfast. Her research interests centre on prescribing in older people, intervention development and evidence-based healthcare. She is an Editor for the Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Cochrane review group and an Associate Editor of Pilot and Feasibility Studies. She is a former Harkness Fellow and Primary Care Research Scientist. She has been appointed to Sub-Panel 3 as part of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) exercise which will take place in 2021.




Workshops on 7th February 14.00-17.00h and 8th February 9.00-12.00h

WS1 (Room 530): Valid Tools for Medication review

(Prof. Kurt Hersberger, Prof. Mitja Kos, Dr. Jacqueline Hugtenburg)

PCNE has held several workshops and symposia on Medication Review (MR). In 2017 a consensus process resulted in the PCNE definition: »Medication review is a structured evaluation of a patient‘s medicines with the aim of optimising medicines use and improving health outcomes. This entails detecting drug related problems and recommending interventions.« (See PCNE Position Paper on this site, and and the research paper in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy)

The process of MR consists typically of the following main steps:

  • Data collection,
  • Detection and evaluation of DRPs and pharmaceutical care issues,
  • Agreement on interventions, the care plan development and the follow-up evaluation
  • Documentation.

For the second step, detection and evaluation of drug related problems and pharmaceutical care issues, a lot of tools are available and have been used in different settings. However, with the emerging of clinical decision support systems (CDSS) the process of performing a medication review will change and new opportunities will come up.


In this WS we will

  • collect examples from different countries on the integration of CDSS in the work flow of pharmaceutical care.
  • evaluate what characteristics of CDSS are most helpful in a MR and for which type of MR
  • discuss research gaps and opportunities for shared research projects

Brief Workshop Report


WS2 (Room 531): Validating PCNE DRP-classification

(Dr. Nejc Horvat, Dr. Foppe van Mil, Dr. Tommy Westerlund)

It has been a number of version ago, that the PCNE-DRP classification was validated. In 2017 the cases were adapted, and in 2019, two more cases added. In the beginning of Novermber, an international validation round was started, with the new, amended, cases-set. All participants, in different countries, can upload their scores of the cases on the Internet, and we will centrally compare them. Additionally there is a questionnaire to be completed, about missing codes and the usability of the classification.

During the workshop we will look at all available scores and the questionnaire results, try to draw conclusions and discuss a path forward.

Brief Workshop Report


WS3 (Room 532): Guidelines and their valid indicators

(Dr. Martina Teichert, Dr. Kenji Fujita)

Guideline implementation and effectiveness of pharmaceutical care are measured by Quality Indicators. (QIs).  They are essential in providing transparency in quality assessment and improvement. Pharmaceutical care for diabetes patients is essential as this disease affects an increasing number of patients,. Though many countries have guidelines on pharmaceutical care for diabetes patients, at present there is no internationally measurable QI set.

During this workshop participants will

  • Identify relevant domains to be defined for QI development, validation and evaluation
  • Define relevant QIs for pharmaceutical care for diabetes patients
  • Discuss the feasibility to measure a set of QIs for diabetes care internationally.

Brief Workshop Report

Workshop slides (Members and participants only)


WS4: Valid tools for adherence assessment

(Dr. Isabelle Arnet, Dr. Christiane Eickhof)

Medication non-adherence is a global problem and subject of thousands of publications. Methods to assess this patient behaviour are numerous, but questions remain the most simple, cheap, non-invasive and accepted way to obtain answers from individuals. In this Workshop, participants will:

  • refresh the pros and cons of methods to measure medication (non-)adherence,
  • define their validity in the context of pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical care,
  • discuss if questionnaires represent a valid method to asses medication intake behaviour in pharmacy practice,
  • develop workable questions to assess non-adherence in pharmacy practice.

Participation in Thursday's Expert Course is certainly not mandatory. In case of profound interest, a working group will be created (goals to be defined by the workshop participants).

Brief workshop report

Workflow adherence assessment scales (members and participants only)

Supporting materials (members or participants only)

Dowload a paper version of the program here

Expert courses Thursday 6th February 2020


Registration plus lunch


Expert Courses 1- 3 (Description, see tab Workshops)




Dinner time


Symposium Program Friday 7th February 2020






Right questions, valid answers. A qualitative approach

Dr. Susanne Kaae, Denmark


Right questions, valid answers. A quantitative approach

Prof. Carmel Hughes, N. Ireland


Coffee break


Poster walking tour (poster presentations in groups)




Workshops series 1


Short Teabreak


Oral Communications

365 Association between anticholinergic burden tools and adverse outcomes: effect size measures versus p-values Marta Lavrador  Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra
368 Use of medication among nursing home residents: A Danish drug utilization study Carina Lundby Hospital Pharmacy Funen
370 Pharmacy-based intervention improves medication adherence and quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure: the PHARM-CHF randomized controlled trial Pia M. Schumacher Department of Medicine, ABDA – Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Berlin, Germany
377 Telephone conferences between geriatricians, pharmacists and general practitioners after discharge of older inpatients: A feasibility study Lene Vestergard Ravn-Nielsen Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
386 Professional identity of primary care pharmacists in England Ankie Hazen Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education, London
391 Factors for a successful implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacies using a positive deviance approach Isabel Waltering Institute for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet, Muenster
398 Healthcare professionals’ views about Potentially Inappropriate Medications: from knowledge to practice João Pedro Aguiar Research Institute for Medicines (iMED.ULisboa), Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
406 Systematic review of outcomes reported for interventions aiming to optimize the medication use of patients discharged from the hospital: A first step towards a core outcome set Antonia  Zund Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel


PCNE Soapbox (members only), Chair: Dr. Martina Teichert


PCNE Social event, ‘Dinner in the dunes,

 (Separate registration)


Symposium Program Saturday 8th February 2020


Walking on the beach




Workshops series 2 (repeated workshops)


Closing session, incl. poster finals and awards


PCNE general Assembly


Abstracts must preferably be on one of the symposium themes: Validity in research, Drug-related Problems, Medication Review, Pharmaceutical Care standards, or Adherence.

Abstract submission for this Symposium is closed.

The abstracts with the highest quality as per the evaluation of the Scientific Committee will be selected to be presented at the Oral Communications session with an award for the best oral communication. The other abstracts will be organized in groups and presented as posters. The best posters per group are part of a ‘poster walk’ with a presentation and make chance for the poster award.

Awards are available for the best Oral Communication (the FI Oral Communication Award) and the best poster (the KNMP Best Poster Award).


Accepted abstracts below


List of accepted abstracts (click on the title to see the abstract)

ID Title Scope Organization
354 Frequency of community pharmacists’ provision of DRP-reduction services in Jordan Drug-related problems Jordan Food and Drug Administration, Amman–Jordan
361 Polypharmacy and medication safety in vulnerable older immigrants with cognitive disorders – a scoping abstract Drug-related problems Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark
374 Population at risk to experience reduced sexual functioning as a result of adverse drug reactions Drug-related problems Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Toxicology
379 Medicines Use Review impact on drug related problems in Slovenia (Winner of the 2020 KNMP Poster Award) Drug-related problems University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ljubljana, Slovenia
381 Prescribing patterns of fall risk increasing drugs in Slovenia in 2018 Drug-related problems University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Social Pharmacy
385 Drug-related problems on hospital discharge prescriptions – a retrospective data analysis Drug-related problems Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; Clinical Pharmacy, Institute of Hospital Pharmacy, Solothurner Spitäler AG, Olten, Switzerland
396 Drug-related problems in elderly patients of community pharmacies Drug-related problems Department of Social Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland
402 MEDICATION MANAGEMENT BY POLYMEDICATED OLDER PATIENTS Drug-related problems Unidade de Investigação para o Desenvolvimento do interior, Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (UDI/IPG)
408 Development of case based learning on medication errors leading to hospital re-admissions after discharge Drug-related problems Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc
356 The impact of patient interview on medication review in an inpatient psychiatric hospital ward Medication Review Hospital Pharmacy Region Midtjylland
377 Telephone conferences between geriatricians, pharmacists and general practitioners after discharge of older inpatients: A feasibility study Medication Review Hospital Pharmacy Funen, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
383 What is the benefit of an explicit screening tool during an intermediate medication review? Medication Review KULeuven
384 Optimising medication information transfer: the ‘green’ envelope as communication tool. Authors: Vauterin Delphine, Claeys Mare, Wuyts Joke, Capiau Andreas, Van de Putte Marie, Haems Marleen, Storme M Medication Review KOVAG (Royal Society of Pharmacists of East-Flanders), VAN (Vlaams Apothekers Netwerk)
391 Factors for a successful implementation of medication reviews in community pharmacies using a positive deviance approach Medication Review Institute for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet, Muenster
393 Facilitating discontinuation of potentially inappropriate medication for the elderly with community pharmacy-led medication reviews Medication Review Danish College of Pharmacy Practice
395 Medication review is not for everybody – the right medication review to the right patient Medication Review Danish College of Pharmacy Practice
398 Healthcare professionals’ views about Potentially Inappropriate Medications: from knowledge to practice Medication Review 1. Research Institute for Medicines (iMED.ULisboa), Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
401 Retrospective observational study of GLP-1 analogues in routine clinical practice Medication Review Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy Unit, Dept. of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology and Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
355 An exploratory qualitative study of HIV patients’ adherence and their need for pharmaceutical care services Patient Adherence Jordan University of Science and Technology
362 Reducing corticosteroid phobia in pharmacy staff: effect of a pharmacy intervention Patient Adherence Utrecht University
373 Medication non-adherence in patients with osteoporosis: implications for clinical pharmacists and osteoporosis care providers Patient Adherence Jordan University of Science and Technology
378 The impact of reference pricing system on medication adherence and blood pressure control Patient Adherence University of Ljubljana, Faculty of pharmacy, Department of social pharmacy
382 How to address medication adherence? Proposal of workable strategies developed by community pharmacies Patient Adherence Pharmaceutical Care Research Group
387 Pharmacist-led interventions and Medication Adherence in Parkinson’s disease: a review Patient Adherence Trinity College Dublin
394 Exploring patient’s perspectives and experiences after start with inhalation maintenance therapy: a qualitative theory-based study Patient Adherence eiden University Medical Centre, Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Toxicology, Leiden, The Netherlands
400 Which self-report method mirrors electronically monitored adherence of DOAC-treated stroke patients best? Results from the MAAESTRO study Patient Adherence Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacenter, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
371 Association between patient’s knowledge about hypertension with beliefs about medicines and medication adherence Pharmaceutical Care standards and guidelines Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra
403 Do we need an Interprofessional Academic Program for Medication Safety? Pharmaceutical Care standards and guidelines Institute of Pharmacy, Dept. Clinical Pharmacy, University of Bonn
357 Preferring convenience over cognitive pharmaceutical services in community pharmacy practice Pharmaceutical care, other Universiteit Utrecht
358 Pharmacy in transition: A work sampling study of community pharmacists using smartphone technology Pharmaceutical care, other Universiteit Utrecht
359 Balancing traditional community pharmacy activities and cognitive pharmaceutical services in community pharmacy practice Pharmaceutical care, other Universiteit Utrecht
360 How community pharmacists prioritize cognitive pharmaceutical services Pharmaceutical care, other Universiteit Utrecht
363 Recurrence of acute cystitis in women: a cohort study with dispensing data in the Netherlands Pharmaceutical care, other Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht
364 Barriers and Enablers of Deprescribing Preventive Cardiovascular /Diabetes Medication: Health Care Professionals’ Perspective Pharmaceutical care, other UMCG Groningen
368 Use of medication among nursing home residents: A Danish drug utilization study. (Winner of the 2020 FI-Oral Communication award) Pharmaceutical care, other Type2dialog
369 "I simply don’t know because I don’t know which drugs I get”: A qualitative study of perspectives on deprescribing among older adults with limited life expectancy and their relatives Pharmaceutical care, other Hospital Pharmacy Funen
370 Pharmacy-based intervention improves medication adherence and quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure: the PHARM-CHF randomized controlled trial Pharmaceutical care, other Department of Medicine, ABDA – Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Berlin, Germany
376 Medication charts in ambulatory practice – implications for pharmacists Pharmaceutical care, other Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacenter, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
386 Professional identity of primary care pharmacists in England Pharmaceutical care, other Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education
388 Interventions to deprescribe proton pump inhibitors among patients with no indication for continued treatment Pharmaceutical care, other University of Southern Denmark
389 Attitudes towards deprescribing in older adults with limited life expectancy: Two systematic reviews Pharmaceutical care, other University of Southern Denmark
390 Pilot study of pharmacists’ perception toward self-medication in Bulgaria Pharmaceutical care, other Medical University-Sofia
392 How to measure the effectiveness of pharmaceutical interventions in nursing homes Pharmaceutical care, other University of Muenster, WWU
397 Start-up and implementation of local meetings between general practitioners and community pharmacists in East-Flanders (Belgium) Pharmaceutical care, other 1Royal Society of Pharmacists of East Flanders/Koninklijk Oost-Vlaams Apothekersgild (KOVAG)
404 Ten years trend analysis of benzodiazepines utilization in Serbian population Pharmaceutical care, other University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy
405 Efficacy and safety of Erenumab in clinical practice: a retrospective observational study Pharmaceutical care, other San Carlo Hospital, Pharmacy
406 Systematic review of outcomes reported for interventions aiming to optimize the medication use of patients discharged from the hospital: A first step towards a core outcome set Pharmaceutical care, other Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, KU Leuven
407 Clinical Decision Support Systems on Pharmaceutical Care: Ongoing study on the development of digital tools for upper respiratory infections Pharmaceutical care, other DigiMedia, Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal
365 Association between anticholinergic burden tools and adverse outcomes: effect size measures versus p-values Research of validity and reliability Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra
366 Using different anticholinergic lists for DBI calculation: effects on anticholinergic outcome prediction Research of validity and reliability Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra

Courses 6th February 2020  13.00-17.00h

Students who want to register for a student fee, need to send a pdf-copy of their University or College registration card to the PCNE office ( as attachment to an email, if they want to register for the student fee.

Expert course 1 (Room 530): Right questions, valid answers: A broad introduction to qualitative research

Dr. Nejc Horvat, Slovenia, and Dr. Suzanne Kaae, Denmark

Conducting a good qualitative study is not as easy as it seems. This workshop will give some general introduction to qualitative research: what is, when to use and differences to quantitative research. Then the aims and overall techniques of different qualitative methods will be introduced including: Interviews, Consensus techniques (such as focus groups) and Observational research. The workshop will include small exercises in particular in interview and observations methods in order to discuss, what are the central issues to consider, when conducting qualitative research of high quality.


Expert course 2 (Room 531): Presenting and reporting my valid answers, how to write a scientific article

Dr. J.W. Foppe van Mil, Editor-in-chief IJCP, the Netherlands. Ms. Ema Paulino, Portugal

Once a (valid) study has been conducted, it is time to inform the (scientific) community of the findings. Especially in the biomedical field, there are certain conventions for sharing the results. Writing the article is a skill that can be learned. Additionally, selection of the publishing platform is an issue, what are the suitable journals for your research, and how do they want your paper presented.

This course will help you writing better articles, with a greater likelihood of being accepted for publication.


Expert Course 3 (Room 532): Right questions, valid answers in developing questionnaires

Dr. Isabelle Arnet, Switzerland and Dr. Christiane Eickhof, Germany

Posing a question represents the most simple, cheap, non-invasive and accepted way to obtain answers from individuals. In many settings including market research, questionnaires have a predominant place. However, the usefulness of the answers highly depends on the construction of the questions and not least the answers and scales used. In this expert course, participants will learn what makes a question "right" in order to obtain a valid answer. Focus will be placed on pharmacy-relevant topics. Participants are encouraged to bring their own "product". Use the chance to get an expert feedback!

Presentation slides Questionnaire Design

